A Warm Welcome from the Blog Owner

Hello readers. Welcome to my blog.

This blog mainly contains my very personal and humble opinion on any possible issue and topic that comes to my knowledge and interest to write and blog about. It can be politics, gossips or anything. I'll decide. If you don't like what I write, then you're free to either leave a comment or just leave.

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Have a nice day.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

I am Sick to the Core

I'm not in the best mood to write long, so instead I'll write very short, but precise enough.

1. I am disappointed Husam didn't win. Somehow I do believe that Nasha is indeed some sort of 'orang-suruhan' UMNO.

2. I am very sad to read some entries in PR bloggers' blogs that mentioned about their grief and anger towards the mistreatment of some of the well-known YB =( This is sad! I didn't imagine that could have happened. What happened to the promises to treat rakyat equally well? And especially when the Malays are being mistreated by the non-Malays. Ok this, I can't tolerate ... at all!

I really wonder now, what really happened to our country, as a whole now? Where's the love, man? Why is everyone being so selfish of themselves? As much hope that I have myself to create a better country (what more to ask for a better world!) I don't think it'll ever work (even with the help of miracles) if there's no serious effort from us, INCLUDING the leaders!

And I think it's all down to the pemimpin themselves ESPECIALLY the ruling Government! Personally I think they are the major culprits in bringing this whole mess between races down to the dirtiest drain, ever! Huh. Cuba baca newspaper, jangan tipu la kalau rasa mereka tu tak main kotor guna isu perkauman. And as much as we wanted to deny it, just admit it, it did trigger some nerves inside, right?

Kalau tak, takkan selalu timbul sentences like ...

M: Ala biasa la C-race.
C: Hey, who are you? You're nobody. I'm not hiring you.
Another C: You're not capable at all to run this project.

Sigh. Personal experiences, dude.

3. I am sick of this whole 1Malaysia la apa la. Mengarut je!

4. Subsidi gula pulaaakkk dia nak tarik balik. Walaupun it's like from RM1.45/kg to RM2/kg, STILL, lama-lama terasa gak oooo. Apehal dia nak suruh rakyat pulak yang terima balasan sebab ada sesetengah pihak tu main kotor? Why not, sebagai pemimpin, awak tu yang pergi tangani sesetengah pihak ni je? Apsal nak suruh rakyat yang tanggung sorang? Heh.

5. Sebastian Vettel will start at pole position in today's race. And this is the good news. Finally! :)

Opps. This isn't long. Opps I did it again.

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