A Warm Welcome from the Blog Owner

Hello readers. Welcome to my blog.

This blog mainly contains my very personal and humble opinion on any possible issue and topic that comes to my knowledge and interest to write and blog about. It can be politics, gossips or anything. I'll decide. If you don't like what I write, then you're free to either leave a comment or just leave.

Feel free to share your witty thoughts and opinion. I don't mind, really. But please be nice. I will not tolerate and approve any hate, harsh or sensitive comment.

Have a nice day.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I Wish I Was There Myself

Bila tengok kat You Tube video-video tentang krisis politik di Ipoh dan Perak keseluruhannya, tergerak betul hati ini nak join sekali. Teringin sangat nak mendengar dengan telinga sendiri dan melihat dengan mata sendiri. Tapi masalahnya banyak nanti. Di mana saya nak tinggal, satu antaranya. I am not a rich person, at least not yet. So spending money wisely especially in this current economic situation is VERY important to me. And I am not in the state of can easily go to Ipoh and stay as long as I want in order to pursue my wish.

Hmm sometimes I wish I am one of the reporters who is fully covered. I mean, in terms of accomodation and all. Bestnya! But I have no talent at all in reporting and writing so-called intelligent articles related to politics, especially that I was one the people who learnt and scored A1 in SPM History subject just for the sake of owning the grade, not the knowledge. Agak menyesal sikit-sikit kerana tidak berusaha dengan lebih tekun dan gigih untuk mendalami sejarah negara sendiri huhu. But it's never too late, right?

Oh well. Apa la yang saya merepek di siang hari ni?

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