A Warm Welcome from the Blog Owner

Hello readers. Welcome to my blog.

This blog mainly contains my very personal and humble opinion on any possible issue and topic that comes to my knowledge and interest to write and blog about. It can be politics, gossips or anything. I'll decide. If you don't like what I write, then you're free to either leave a comment or just leave.

Feel free to share your witty thoughts and opinion. I don't mind, really. But please be nice. I will not tolerate and approve any hate, harsh or sensitive comment.

Have a nice day.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Sistem Penentuan Pemenang F1 Bakal Diubah Untuk Format Tahun Ini?

Oh no! Tidak!!! Kenapa kena tukar? Ini sungguh tidak adil!!!

In Kosmo newspaper today, they mentioned that a new format for deciding and determining the overall winner will be established and used for this year, oh no! Previously it is based on overall championship points, regardless of how many times you screwed up the whole year.

Now, it'll be based on how MANY championship you won throughout the year! Oh ini tidak adil!!! Like, seriously, where's the fun in it?

It's like so unfair for those who never won any championship at all, BUT, somehow managed to gain point (in other words be in the top 8) and be on the overall top, and so unfair too for those who always showed inconsistent and unpredictable performance and result. Oh tidak adil, tidak adil!

Kenapa mesti kena tukar ni? Haih.

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