A Warm Welcome from the Blog Owner

Hello readers. Welcome to my blog.

This blog mainly contains my very personal and humble opinion on any possible issue and topic that comes to my knowledge and interest to write and blog about. It can be politics, gossips or anything. I'll decide. If you don't like what I write, then you're free to either leave a comment or just leave.

Feel free to share your witty thoughts and opinion. I don't mind, really. But please be nice. I will not tolerate and approve any hate, harsh or sensitive comment.

Have a nice day.


Friday, May 22, 2009

Bubar Je DUN, Settle. No Need Restu Mahkamah Sini Mahkamah Sana.

Alamak kata nak stop tapi tak habis-habis lagi.

(I'm sorry but I couldn't help it. Everytime I read someone else's blog, I will tend to have my own opinion and most of the times I do not want to vent it on their comment boxes so I guess here will be good)

Betul ke si MB Mahkamah tu nak mintak restu Mahkamah Persekutuan pulak? Wah rajin betul dia, kan? Susah-susah je nak verify and nak CUBA yakinkan rakyat bahawa dia tu sah.

Kalau bubar je DUN, kan settle semua? I mean, setelah kita rakyat tentukan siapa kita nak untuk memimpin, kan adil tu? Yela dah sebelah sini Pakatan Rakyat, sebelah sana pulak Rakyat Diutamakan. Apa lagi, this is the best time to prove to all of us la! Ingat, PRU-13 PASTI datang. Lambat-laun, no matter how hard you try to delay or pusing sini pusing sana, it will come. It will. And selagi persepsi negatif tu tidak diubah, sampai bila-bila pun rakyat tetap rasa mereka tu bersalah!

Contoh, isu tentang 'Aminah Abdullah' tu (haha saya sudah terpengaruh dengan sesetengah blogger PR)

So, apa susah-susah nak pergi minta restu Mahkamah ini Mahkamah itu. Bubar je DUN. Settle!

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