A Warm Welcome from the Blog Owner

Hello readers. Welcome to my blog.

This blog mainly contains my very personal and humble opinion on any possible issue and topic that comes to my knowledge and interest to write and blog about. It can be politics, gossips or anything. I'll decide. If you don't like what I write, then you're free to either leave a comment or just leave.

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Have a nice day.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Debat Ir Nizar vs Zambry: Fantasi atau Realiti?

Biar betik depa nak bagi Zambry and Ir Nizar berdebat di khalayak umum? I was quite a bit shocked!

Well, even though Dr Rais Yatim cakap kena nak kaji ini la itu la, whether akan sentuh isu perkauman ke tak la, but I personally think it won't ever happen. Ever, unless it happens, of course.

Because like I said earlier la, biar betik?

Lagipun kita semua sedia maklum kan, yang pemimpin-pemimpin kerajaan ni cakap memang la pung pang pung pang. Tapi setakat cakap belakang je la, or cakap di khalayak ramai yang disertakan sekali anggota-anggota kerajaan yang sepatutnya berkhidmat untuk rakyat, but instead they were used to menjaga 'keselamatan' mereka pulak. Then bila rasa 'temperature' naik sikit je, mula la tembak gas pemedih mata la ini la itu la. Heh.

Itu satu.

Lepas tu agak-agak PM nak bagi ke approval ni? Well, mungkin dia bagi la sebab dia peduli apa, kan, asalkan periuk nasi dia and balance air muka dia terjaga, sudah. But, still, I don't think so. It'll provoke a lot of negativity in Zambry that'll eventually somehow lead to secrets that shouldn't be told and revealed to the public. Or, he's simply being humiliated for centuries for his 'eagerness to prove that he's the one rakyat wants'.

But if it were to happen, that'll be really nice! Because it'll finally show a partial masculinity of the 'MB Court', because finally, he is willing to fight like a man, or so.

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