A Warm Welcome from the Blog Owner

Hello readers. Welcome to my blog.

This blog mainly contains my very personal and humble opinion on any possible issue and topic that comes to my knowledge and interest to write and blog about. It can be politics, gossips or anything. I'll decide. If you don't like what I write, then you're free to either leave a comment or just leave.

Feel free to share your witty thoughts and opinion. I don't mind, really. But please be nice. I will not tolerate and approve any hate, harsh or sensitive comment.

Have a nice day.


Friday, May 29, 2009

Pelik Dengan Permainan Menegakkan Benang Yang Basah

Benang dah basah, nak tegak lagu mana lagi?

Apa kata tunggu dia kering, lepas tu siasat awat dia jadi basah, make sure benda tu tak jadi lagi and then tegakkan la balik benang yang dah kering tu?

You get it?

I admit, I'm not perfect. But if I don't know about something, I won't talk much about it. Or if I talk or blog about it, it'll very modest and very obvious that I don't know much about it. Unless, I'm sharing my opinion, that's different.

Jadinya, kadang-kadang tu saya pelik la, kenapa orang suka tulis something yang faktanya terang-terang salah, tapi sedaya-upaya dia olah balik cerita tu, jadi something yang totally opposite the result, that resembles what he or she wants it to be instead. Apsal jadi itu macam?

Hoi duduk diam-diam jangan kasi kepala orang pening boleh tak?

Or you might as well just tell me to quit reading the blog and just ignore it. Haha.

Ok I get it, I get it.

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